Field of Dreams / Wapsipinicon State Park
Visiting Field of Dreams | Hiking in Wapsipinicon State Park | Week with Family | May 2024
Today was the last day of our road trip from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to our hometown in Iowa. We had enjoyed our time traveling slowly, visiting places we’d wanted to see for a long time, and entering into new counties. For our last day on the road, we debated how we wanted to get back. Our first choice was go South to Dubuque and hike in Mines of Spain, or go West to Dyersville and visit the Field of Dreams? Since we had been to Mines of Spain but never to the iconic Field of Dreams, we decided to head West.

We arrived in Dyersville, then navigated East to the movie site. It was free to enter, though the kid at the entry booth asked if we would like to leave a donation right away which was a little awkward. The whole area was more built up than we imagined it to be, and fairly busy even on an early Saturday morning. We walked around, read the informational signs, and I led Charlotte on a walk across the field. We learned that this place doesn’t earn any royalties or payment from the movie — quite the contrary, they have to pay Universal to run this attraction. They stated on one sign that they have decided to not make it a big commercial area, but they still have a gift shop, museum, and event center on site. At the end of our visit, we decided next time we’ll stick to good old Mines of Spain. At least whenever people ask if we’ve been to the ‘Field of Dreams’ once they learn we’re from Iowa, we can now answer YES!

When we were finished here, I texted my mom and asked if they wanted to go for a hike with us, and they agreed, so we met my parents at Wapsipinicon State Park. We had visited this park with them around Christmas 2020, and found it to be a bit more accessible today without snow covering the roads! We did some short hikes to two different caves, though Charlotte decided it was now too hot and was no longer interested in hiking. Curtis foraged for mushrooms, and we enjoyed going inside the two small caves where it was much cooler temperature wise — too bad Charlotte couldn’t be convinced to join us, she would’ve loved them!

We spent the next week and a half with my family, doing some “adulting” chores that we needed to do while stationary, and going to a few appointments that we had been able to schedule. We of course also enjoyed catching up with family, going for walks, and spending lots of time with our niece and nephew. We went on a day trip to visit Nanna at the Farm, and I was able to spend Mother’s day with my mom for the 4th year in a row! Overall, it was a great week, and it left us feeling recharged and ready for our busy summer schedule!