Lanipo Ridge Trail

Lanipo Ridge Trail

Hiking Lanipo Ridge, AKA Mau’uame Trail | September 2018 We’ve slowly been knocking out peaks and ridges in the Ko’olau Mountains. In order from East to West, we’ve completed Kuli’ou’ou (twice), Kulepeamoa, Hawaii Loa, Wiliwilinui, and Mount Olympus (If you’re interested, you can view a map of every hike we’ve done on the island here)….

Kulepeamoa Ridge

Kulepeamoa Ridge

Hiking Kulepeamoa Ridge Loop Trail to Hawaii Loa Ridge | Honolulu, Oahu After several weeks (months?) of having low hanging clouds over the Ko’olau Mountains on Curtis’ days off, we finally had a brief break in the clouds! And I mean brief as in, if we had been a half hour later to the peak,…

Mount Tantalus

Mount Tantalus

We often joke that we are cursed here. Curtis’ days off are ALWAYS raining, and the mountain ridge is only unobstructed by clouds when he’s at work. Hopefully this pattern doesn’t continue into the “dry season” — we are anxious to do so many more ridge hikes! Not only that, but the rain also makes…