
A Minor Upgrade

So this happened. I called it quits with my loyal, unbreakable, simple, dying, 5 year old phone and joined #teamandroid with a new (to me) smartphone. While part of me feels disgusted that I have given in to society, the other part is excited about the areas of my life that will also upgrade, such…

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A Last-First

Yesterday was Curtis’ last first day of school – and everyone knows no first day of school is official without pictures! I love my super smart and hardworking husband. I also love how tan we’ve gotten this summer. 🙂 We were reflecting on our favorite memories from this summer. My top 2 were the moment…

Because Futbol!

We had the pleasure today of being able to watch the final World Cup game with friends in a mansion where one friend happened to be house-sitting. Curtis & I don’t have a TV and haven’t put any effort into watching the games online, but we’d been kind of following the results of the games…