Pillsbury Mountain // First Snow!
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Pillsbury Mountain // First Snow!

End of October 2016 • Hiking Pillsbury Mountain, Our First Snow in New York, and Turning 24 Curtis’ first week of work happened to be the week of my 24th birthday. I wasn’t too bummed, I mean, how can I complain after the amazing, adventure-filled fall that we’ve had? I just decided to make the most…

Autumn in the Adirondacks
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Autumn in the Adirondacks

Hiking Goodnow and Blue Mountains in the Adirondacks • Saturday, October 15, 2016 (I still have plenty of vacation posts from our trip to the Atlantic Provinces of Canada to share, but I wanted to share current happenings around here too so that I don’t get too far behind or forget about them!) When we arrived…

Acadia National Park
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Acadia National Park

Fall to the Rising Sun Trip • Acadia National Park • September 21, 2016 This was our first time to ever visit Maine. Something about the furthest Northeastern state just seemed so mysterious and romantic. What hidden beauties would we find within the state? Visiting Maine, and even more specifically Acadia National Park, had been on my…