Aiea Loop Trail

Aiea Loop Trail

Hiking the Aiea Loop Trail • October 8, 2017 After our hike the day before we felt that we should keep up the hiking while the weather was good.  We figured that while we were living around Pearl Harbor we would take advantage of the centrality of our location and get some hiking done in all…

Makapu’u Point

Makapu’u Point

Hiking the Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail • October 7, 2017 The Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail is a very easy walk, right around 2 miles round-trip, gradually gaining elevation on a wide, paved road which is essentially a highway for tourists. It took us 2 tries to make it to the end. That’s pretty sad for experienced hikers, right?…

Moving to Hawaii Video
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Moving to Hawaii Video

Moving to Hawaii Video | Cross Country PCS Road Trip | August – September 2017 Starting with our last visit to the Atlantic Ocean and ending across the country in Oregon, here’s our entire cross country road trip summarized in a 5 minute video. There’s such a wide variety of clips from all over, but…

Newberry Volcano // Smith Rock
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Newberry Volcano // Smith Rock

Moving to Hawaii, Jess and Charlie Edition • Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Smith Rock State Park, and Mt. Hood National Forest • September 23-25, 2017 I had finally made it halfway through my week alone — it seemed to be dragging by even though I was filling each day with exciting things. I was running on minimal…