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Anniversary Trip Day 4

Our first anniversary! July 27, 2014 Letterboxing, Joshua Tree national park, and home. Our alarm went off way too early this morning. The first thing I said: “Boxing!” …then, “oh, happy anniversary.” 😉 But seriously, where we were headed this morning was a letterboxer’s dream! A quiet, isolated park that the park rangers really didn’t…

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One Year

July 27, 2014 ~ Our first anniversary!   And what a wonderful year it has been! Filled with adventures, change, happiness, silliness, learning new things, traveling new places, going beyond my comfort zone, and always having my best friend by my side to enjoy life with. We’ve been so blessed this year. We just celebrated…

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Visiting Iowa, Part 3: The Long Trip Home

Isn’t that how it always is, the trip going back home is so much longer than the one driving to see the people you love? It doesn’t have that same excitement and anxiousness, you’re just there the whole 25ish hours knowing you’re going back to ‘reality’. The trip just went by too fast! At least…