Time to Go Home
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Time to Go Home

Fall to the Rising Sun Trip • Last Day • Tuesday, October 12, 2016 How do you bring the longest road trip you’ve ever taken to a close? When do you decide it’s time to stop traveling and camping and exploring, and return to your normal life? Of course, our trip had a definite end date, when…

Mont Royal
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Mont Royal

Thanksgiving Weekend in Montreal • Exploring Mont Royal & Driving Home • November 26, 2016 Once we were finished with our walk around downtown Montreal, we wanted to walk to a place that seemed more “us” — Mont Royal, the mountain that sits in the center of the island. It was on the way back to our apartment,…

Weekend in Montreal
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Weekend in Montreal

Thanksgiving Weekend in Montreal • Exploring Downtown Montreal • November 25, 2016 We awoke on the morning of Black Friday to see that a thick fog had engulfed the quiet street of the neighborhood where we were staying. I checked the forecast for the day and saw that the rain they had been predicting all week looked…

Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain
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Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain

Thanksgiving Weekend in Montreal • Hiking Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain, New York • November 24, 2016 Having the holidays off — or even being able to spend them together — is no longer a given for us. I guess this means we’re officially adults. Oh how we miss those easy college days, with nice long summer and winter breaks,…

Maine in the Fall
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Maine in the Fall

Fall to the Rising Sun Trip • Road Tripping and Hiking in Maine • October 9, 2016 After over 2 weeks in Canada, it was time to return to the US. So, with one last stop at Tim Horton’s, we said goodbye and began heading West.  As we drove South on I-95, we were feeling tired and…