March 2020
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March 2020

I haven’t written a monthly update for a few months, but I feel like March deserves one. The world as we know it turned upside down, and everyone has their own story of how current events have affected their lives. Now is the perfect time to record what’s going on, to write about how you’re…

Nakoa Trail

Nakoa Trail

Hiking the Nakoa Trail | March 2020 It’s been a while since we’ve hiked a completely new-to-us trail. With such limited free time, we’ve been sticking with places we know we enjoy on weekends together. But as Curtis’ days off while stationed on the island are falling into the single digits, we’re making a better…

A Day on Lanai
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A Day on Lanai

Taking the Ferry from Lahaina to Lanai | Hiking Lanaihale from Sea to Summit | January 3, 2020 Our last day of vacation began before dawn as we quickly and quietly packed up our tent and waited for our Lyft. We were thankful that after all our stress from the day before, the only unexpected…