Three Days in Minot
Trip to Minot Days 6 & 7 | Minot, North Dakota | September 2022
We arrived in Minot on Tuesday evening, the day before Curtis needed to be there for work. Like our trips to Dahlgren and Great Falls, he would have to work for the majority of our time in Minot — but that’s okay, because this city isn’t the most exciting, and we had some adulting tasks to take care of now that we had a hotel and solid cell service/wifi. We got settled into our hotel, then set out to find some dinner. It took a few tries because the first places we chose were closed for various reasons, and we ended up getting pizza, sandwiches, and local beers to enjoy at the hotel. We’re always a little calorie starved after camping trips, so all this helped make up for that.
The days we were in Minot were cold, windy, and rainy — so it was the perfect time to be in the hotel and not camping! But we still made an effort to see some of the ‘Magic City’. We were staying near Minot State University, so we took Charlotte for walks around the campus every night.

On Wednesday afternoon, after Curtis was finished working for the day, we visited the Scandinavian Heritage Association – Curtis’ last name is Danish after all. There were pretty gardens to walk around with flowers still in bloom, and several buildings or replicas representing the Scandinavian and Nordic countries, such as a Danish windmill and a full-scale replica Stave church. It was free to walk around, and this was definitely the highlight of our time in Minot!
For some reason, there was a disproportionate number of Thai restaurants to the size of the town, so we thought it was only fair to try one, and naturally you Try Thai at Try-Thai. The next morning, we had an Irish breakfast at Ebeneezer’s Eatery with some of Curtis’ work colleagues.

We had talked about leaving Minot right after work on Thursday night to go camping on the US-Canada Border at the International Peace Gardens, but the evening was still rainy and cold, so we decided to stay one more night in the hotel – it was paid for after all. We picked up some dinner and more food for camping at a grocery store and got one last night of restful sleep in a comfy bed and climate controlled room before driving home and camping some more!