September 2019
September may have been the best month I’ve had since moving to Oahu two years ago. It had everything I needed: time off of the island exploring two different cities with Curtis, and time enjoying my favorite part of the island with my sister. Both of these made what would have been a long month alone pass quickly, and has given me the hope and perseverance I needed to press on into our last year here!
Sarah arrived on the last night of August and stayed for just over a month. We’re 9 years apart in age, but ever since she was born people have always said we are so alike in looks and how we act. After spending an extended amount of time essentially alone together, I can see why people say this — our personalities mesh really well together and the transition to living together was seamless and honestly really fun right from the get-go.
We spent our time going between working at home — Sarah on online college courses and myself working on — and going out for easy little adventures. We repeated her favorite hikes from her last visit and I showed her a few newer ones that I’ve found since then. We enjoyed a lot of beach days and sampled many of the best island treats. And we created our own little night time routine which consisted of eating mac & cheese and tater tots and watching Chopped. Oh, and Sarah did dishes for me every single night without asking, no matter how many times I said she didn’t have to! That’s right, I didn’t wash a single dish in the month of September. Did I mention that it was the best month ever?

Sarah’s cheerful personality and beautiful smile light up a room as soon as she walks in. Her positive attitude kept us going when our adventures didn’t go as planned, and her courage and curiosity to try new things made every day exciting. I’m so grateful that she was willing to make the trip and give up a month of comfort and familiarity in her own home just to come and keep me company here in mine. Thanks for making my world a better place, Sarah, and just know you always have a second home with me, wherever that may be!