Moving to Hawaii Video
Moving to Hawaii Video | Cross Country PCS Road Trip | August – September 2017
Starting with our last visit to the Atlantic Ocean and ending across the country in Oregon, here’s our entire cross country road trip summarized in a 5 minute video. There’s such a wide variety of clips from all over, but it captures all the highlights from our trip — everything from summiting state high points to moments with family, and even moments in the middle of nowhere South Dakota (not just the middle of nowhere…try the middle of the nation!) What I wouldn’t do to relive just one day of this trip… ok, just don’t let that one day be the one we spent in Seattle trying to have our Jeep shipped, or the day I had to say goodbye to Curtis. Enjoy our video!
By the way — in our South Carolina Memories video, you can see Charlotte’s first ever trip to the ocean and first time at the Atlantic, and in this one you can see her first time at the Pacific. She had similar reactions to both.