Never Thirsty
If you recall from last summer, I mentioned a few times that one of the ways that I stayed busy while Curtis was at OCS was through helping my Pastor in Tucson with his website. He was going through the process of upgrading, redesigning and moving over to a new server. This has been a huge ongoing project on his part for nearly 2 years, and I’ve had the privilege of helping for a year now. I’m excited to let you know today that the website is now live, and you can visit it here:! On the site, you can find many articles, Bible lessons, mp3’s, topical studies, Q & A, and much more. I am so grateful for this opportunity given to me, as it not only taught me more about web design, but that it has also been a way for me to feel like I’m helping in some small way to further God’s kingdom. Let me explain:
If you knew me growing up, then you knew that through serving either with my family in my city or with my church on a mission’s trip, God had given me a desire to serve Him long-term in some capacity. I had a heart for missions, and I could imagine that taking me to a number of places. In my senior year of high school, I was positive that the best way for me to figure out where I was supposed to go was by attending a Bible college. I didn’t really seek out any other options because I thought I knew this was exactly where God wanted me. When that door was closed almost 5 years ago, I was uncertain of where to set my focus, so I chose to do what I thought was the easiest way around the dilemma and on with my life: Massage school. However, God soon revealed that this was His plan all along, and I felt peace and joy as I learned how I could serve Him through massage.
Since then, God has continued to show me that serving Him is something that can happen every day through what He brings into my life. Anything from being a LMT or through helping with my pastor’s site, to carrying out my role as a wife, if I set my focus toward serving God and seeing it as a ministry put in my life for Him, I am doing just that. My life may not look anything like what I thought it’d be in high school, but I know for certain that I’m right where God wants me. And I don’t doubt that He is going to use our military life to put me and my husband right where He wants us to be. He brought us to Berean Bible Church in Tucson not only to help us learn and grow in our faith, but also to bring a new mission into my life. I admit that it took me too long to see that, but once I realized that it was no coincidence that I was trying to understand web design for blogging purposes at the same time that my pastor was looking for more help on his website, it kind of blew my mind. I wasn’t wrong in high school by thinking that I wanted to work for something with a greater purpose. That was just what God had planned for me, just not at all the way I was expecting it. It is now my prayer that I would remember that desire God gave me in my youth, and find some way every day to carry that out.
Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to check out