Today, we’re celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary. Even though we’re a thousand miles apart with limited contact, we can still celebrate the 2 wonderful years of adventures and loving each other. Curtis called me yesterday and we were able to talk for 15 minutes (and let me tell you, those minutes went faster than any others so far this summer!)
Here is what our 2 years of marriage looks like in numbers:
730 days of being husband and wife, best friends, roommates, hiking partners, traveling companions, secret sharers, letterboxing buddies, professional sushi tasters, and puppy parents together.
15 vacations taken together.
At least 30,000 miles driven.
(Going from as far North as Nipigon, Ontario, and as far South as Nogales, AZ; As far East as Buffalo, NY, to Santa Barbara, CA to the West.)
Almost 500 miles hiked together.
Probably 437 apples dehydrated for these hikes.
Approximately 58,398 pictures taken on these hikes.
At least 14 utterly terrifying moments while hiking.
98 weekend adventures together. (missing out on 12 this year)
1 adorable child.
Countless accidents, walks, games tug of war, and puppy kisses.
867 letterboxes found.
46 letterboxes planted.
Kissed under/by 17 waterfalls.
4 trips to Iowa and 2 to Michigan to see family.
Being in temperatures from 116 in Desert Hot Springs, CA, to –30 degrees windchill in Cedar Rapids, IA.
Visiting 21 states and 1 province.
Owning 2 vehicles.
And having to be towed twice. (Though it should have been more!)
Visiting 27 National Park Administered Sites. (Thank you military pass!)
And hiking the Grand Canyon to the Colorado and back 2 times.
1 college diploma.
Like 30 cheesecakes.
(Pretty sure it was all those cheesecakes that gave the motivation to work for that diploma.) 
2 anniversary trips celebrating us!
44 days spent apart, and counting.
88 letters written between the 2 of us during that time.
3 phone calls.
Hundreds of emails. (Thank God for that!!!)
Our 3rd year of marriage will look a lot different than the last 2. There are so many uncertainties (like where are we going to be living in 6 weeks??) but being apart has really showed us how much we really rely on each other, and we know that it doesn’t matter where we live or what happens next, because at least we’ll get to be together again!
I love you so much, Curtis, you bring so much joy into my life, and I’m proud to be your wife. Here’s to another amazing year together!