Thoughts on Moving, Mountains, and Puppies
Hello friends!
Last week was pretty quiet around here – yet also eventful. We now have moving dates and have been doing things to prepare for that. Let the packing commence! We’ve also been getting rid of lots of things to lighten the load, but sometimes those things end up being quickly replaced. Like when we go to sell our puzzles and books to Bookman’s, (a consignment bookstore) it’s a better deal to get in-store credit, which we then have to spend on more puzzles and books. It’s a never ending cycle.
I had the pleasure of getting to go to the University and listen to Curtis’ final research presentation last week as well. He did a great job, and was certainly the best presenter there. The cutest one, too! After that, we had a celebratory dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants called The Fix, which serves gourmet mac & cheese along with other comfort foods. We made a list of all our favorite local restaurants down here that we’re going to miss, and are making an attempt to eat at all of them one last time before leaving.
Curtis also had his last day of classes last Tuesday! Woohoo! This week after his finals, he’ll be a college graduate. He’s excited to be done, I’m excited to get to celebrate with him and his family!
We’re still waiting on answers to lots of questions, and still have unknowns in the future. As that future that once seemed so far off is now THIS MONTH, it’s easy to feel stressed about what we don’t know and what we need to do. By the grace of God we’re handling it well, and are still enjoying the time we have left here. For being the middle of May, it’s absolutely gorgeous here! We’ve had a few high-90 days, but for the past week it’s been cool, breezy, and very pleasant. We still haven’t had to use the AC! I thought that by this point, it’d be getting hotter every day and I’d be ready to move, but I’m honestly going to miss this place.
I find myself looking to the mountains often and remembering all the memories we’ve made up there. How are we going to make it in our new cities without mountains?! I’m sure living by the ocean for the first time will come with similar excitement and happy feelings, but it’s going to be hard to leave the mountains behind. From standing in the middle of Tucson and looking up at the hills, they look like a huge mass of land reaching up to the heavens, but when you go to the foothills and begin to hike a trail or drive up a windy mountain road, you learn about how huge it really is – it’s not just a mass of land, it’s many different hills, mountains, canyons, ridges, and peaks all together, and would take weeks of hiking around all the different trails to get an idea of what these mountains hold. Even having spent so much time in these mountain ranges, I still find it hard to comprehend how great they are.
But I really am looking forward to this summer, and the fall, and everything else that’s coming up so fast. I’m ready to move on to whatever God has planned for me, and us, next. Whether together or apart, in good times or bad, He is good.
On that note, we had a laid back, quiet weekend – I take that back, it was neither of those – at home hosting a puppy play date. Charlotte’s boyfriend came to play with her for the day, and they had a blast! I put together a video of all the clips I have of them running around together. Enjoy