Yesterday was Curtis’ last first day of school – and everyone knows no first day of school is official without pictures!
I love my super smart and hardworking husband. I also love how tan we’ve gotten this summer. 
We were reflecting on our favorite memories from this summer. My top 2 were the moment we reached the peak of Mt. Humphreys, and the moments when we surprised our families a day early. I’m thanking God that we were able to have such a fun summer, filled with trips and so much time together. We were able to do most of the things on our “summer bucket list,” the main things that didn’t happen were things like “do lots of reading”…now why would I even put that on a list of things to do over the summer?! (**edit: Curtis wishes that I clarify that he managed to read 3 books this summer: A biography of President Polk, and the first 2 Lord of the Rings books, I guess I was the only one that didn’t do lots of reading! Whoops :)**)
Now it’s time to get into a good daily routine together, and develop new habits that will hopefully help us when our journey with the Navy begins next year. We’re also training for a 3 day hiking trip coming up later this fall! I guess it’s really not that hard to say goodbye to summer when the heat down here is going to stay around for a while longer.