Engagement | Family | Food | Friends | Marriage
Today, I’m remembering all the excitement that was going on this day last year. I’m remembering the anxiousness that I was feeling, but most of all the happiness and love that was all around. Our wedding weekend was finally here, and all there was left to do was enjoy it…oh, and get married! 
The day started with setting up the church. The sanctuary for our service, the main foyer for the reception, and the youth room for the rehearsal dinner. I like simplicity. I like not driving around. We had all our events take place at the church that weekend.
After ironing table cloths, setting up tables & chairs, finishing the decorations, and finalizing set up for it all, our family and wedding party started to arrive.
What happens when little girls get access to a big, mostly-empty church! The little girls played school. 
They also had the very important job of making sure a wheelchair could fit between all tables & chairs for fire safety. They took their job seriously…for the most part 
Gabby and Mitch were there from Tucson, and did so much to help out that weekend! We were so thankful & happy to have them there. 
Little girls again, this time at the front “welcome” area with the sign my mother-in-law Julie made.
Curtis, writing his vows last minute… Ok, they were already written, he just needed them on a notecard. 
The girls are all here! Now waiting for the service to start. 
Curtis & his guys!
Yeah, I was a little excited!
My beautiful mother & I…and a very important document in that folder!
Now onto the rehearsal pictures taken by my mother-in-law, Julie! First a run through of the ceremony and recessional, then practicing the whole thing from start to finish.
Guy line up – Joel J. is barefoot, and it appears that David and Joel S’ feet are broken!
Girl line up – much better 
Take this imaginary ring and put it on her finger…
Signing the document with invisible pens…it’s not official yet!
I now pronounce you unofficially married!
Should we practice how fast we’re going to run out of here?
How cute are my siblings though?!
Come on Joel, smile!!
Now practicing the processional with music!
Lovely mothers practicing delivering the sand to the alter, that we would later pour into the hourglass (but just for pretend tonight!)
Daddy & I…walking in to the opening song, “Dawn,” from Pride and Prejudice. It’s our favorite movie. 
Yeah…I was smiling like that all weekend!
My parents! At this point, I didn’t know they had put together a whole video for the “giving away the bride” part. Instead, dad said the lines that a normal FOB would say. I was definitely surprised on my wedding day. 
Beautiful maid of honor, and junior maid of honor!
“You may now high-five the bride!” Haha great picture captured by Julie!
We are now…Curtis J. and Jessica S…still?
One last look of the stage, all ready for tomorrow!
And now for the best part… the rehearsal dinner! I’m sure everyone who was there can agree with that. My in-law’s worked hard & did a great job when the caterer fell through last minute, and we had some wonderful friends who made us 6 DELICIOUS CHEESECAKES!!
Seriously, I can’t say enough good things about these wonderful homemade cheesecakes. I wish I could go back in time to this day just so I can eat more and enjoy them without the butterflies in my stomach!
Our amazing friends, Elise and Lori, that made all of these for us. I hope that one day I can make cheesecakes that taste and look as great as these!
The set up was quite lovely as well, I wasn’t in here at all but I’m sure my mother-in-law played a huge part in the creativity and decorating!
The youth room, all set up and ready for around 40 people!
The center table for Curtis & I with our parents!
Pulled pork, cheesy mashed potatoes, baked beans, and veggies were on the menu! I went heavy on the veggies and skipped the beans, with it being the night before my wedding and all. 
Now for some candid shots of our family, bridal party, and other helpers socializing.
The youngest and cutest attendee of the night! This day was especially exciting because we also found out that she would be getting a new little sibling! 
Above are some of our wonderful helpers, we are so blessed to have them in our lives!
Below are pictures of our families – we love you all and were so thankful we got to celebrate with all of you!
Last picture together before our wedding day
Here’s us with our thumbprint tree that we used as an alternative guest book. I painted the trunk of the tree on the canvas, and we started that night with having our relatives stamp their thumbs with the green ink. The red apples/hearts are us, (center) parents, (directly above) and our grandparents (on either side). It’s now totally full from the wedding day and hanging in our apartment. I love the visual reminder on our wall of all those people that came, supported, and celebrated with us that day!
Thanks to our family, friends, and helpers who made this day such a wonderful memory for us.