Curtis Proposes to Jessica!
Curtis Proposes to Jessica | January 1, 2013 12:00:01 AM
Hey guys, guess what? WE ARE ENGAGED!!!!!
Since it’ll probably take me a while to get to this point in the “My Love Story” series, I guess I can share the story now. This was totally a surprise to me — I mean, I really wanted it to happen over Christmas break so that I could plan our wedding over the winter/spring, we could get married in the summer, and I could move with him to Arizona and finally put an end to our long distance relationship. However, I honestly didn’t believe it would happen. I didn’t think he had a ring or a chance to talk to my dad. He and I had just gotten back from visiting his relatives in Michigan over Christmas break with his family, then just like last year my family was having his family over for a New Year’s Eve party. I really did think that this would just be a fun 1 year “dating anniversary” and a fun way to ring in the New Year.
That morning, I ran errands with my dad for the party. As the evening approached and we were almost ready for the party, my dad announced he was running to Hy-Vee to pick up some things we had forgotten. I was about to offer to go with him, but I knew Curtis was on his way and wanted to wait and see him. I felt a little guilty for making dad go alone…but it was all for the better. Curtis and his siblings soon arrived, followed by his parents and my dad. We all ate, played games, and watched TV while waiting for the the hour to strike midnight.
Around 11:55, we all gathered in the living room to count down to 2013. This is more difficult than it sounds when you live in the Central time zone and the Rockin’ New Year’s show on TV doesn’t have a fun countdown or fancy ball drop! We all stared at our cell phones waiting for 12:00.
And well…I guess if you watched the above video, you know what happens next The clock struck midnight, and as everyone cheered Curtis suddenly was holding a ring in front of me. “Will you marry me?” I was in shock! Again, in case you couldn’t tell from the video, I said yes.
All the cheers around us went from “Happy New Year” to “Yay they’re engaged!” Pictures and videos were taken, hugs were shared all around, and excitement was in the air.
But of course, we still had a game to finish. For some reason, I just couldn’t focus and have no idea who won. I soon learned that the ring had arrived just the day prior, and the reason that dad had suddenly left to “get something we forgot” was to go meet Curtis and give his permission to marry me. These moments were some of my favorite in my entire life and I’m so glad I got to share them with our families! Once the party died down, Curtis’ parents took his siblings home and my family went to bed. Curtis and I just sat together on the couch, holding hands and dreaming of the big exciting future we had to look forward to. Because WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!!!