It doesn’t matter that we’re 1600 miles apart, we believe it’s important to celebrate the little things. So that means that today we are celebrating our 10 month anniversary! While our friendship began many years ago, and the actual date on when we truly reciprocated romantic feelings for each other is a little unclear, we’ve chosen December 31, 2011 as our official “Start of Relationship.” It was the day that Curtis officially asked my dad for his permission to date me, and we got the blessing of all 4 of our parents.
It’s hard to know where to even begin with all the special events, dates, and happenings in our relationship, I suppose that’s why I started writing our “
Love Story” from the very beginning. But it’ll I remember this day very clearly. It was New Year’s Eve and Curtis and his family were returning from spending the holidays with his relatives in Michigan. With my parent’s permission, I invited them all over for a New Year’s party together. Our families obliged, as they were very understanding of our situation: Curtis is attending school in Arizona and had a limited time back for Christmas vacation, and I was eager to spend as much time with him as possible. So his family came over that night to hang out, play games, eat food, and ring in 2012.
After spending a semester apart, Curtis and I were closer than we ever had been and were becoming more and more confident that we wanted to spend our lives together. However, the first step in that was beginning an official relationship: being boyfriend/girlfriend, courting, whatever you want to call it. Curtis knew that having my
dad’s permission was absolutely necessary, so that evening at 11:45, he finally gathered the courage to ask my dad. And what do you know, he said yes! Actually, I think the overall response from our parents was a very excited yes, because now they finally knew where we stood in our relationship, and they could finally tell people that yes, we were actually dating.
Us, on our 6 month anniversary, June 30, 2012. What a wonderful summer it was, and this date was one of the highlights. 
Of course, just a week after we began dating, Curtis had to return to school. It hasn’t been easy missing him every day, but having Skype, social media, and constant texting has helped! I loved being able to visit him over his Spring Break last March, and having an entire summer together was amazing. We made the most of every day, which has given us plenty of happy memories to look back on while we long for the next time we’re together!
Hey Curtis, if you’re reading this, happy 10 month anniversary! I can’t wait to see you SO SOON! 
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